Level 2 Course
Course Overview
Studying the Signature Level 2 Certificate in British Sign Language allows students to develop their BSL skills in a range of everyday situations, and to participate in longer and more varied conversations than at Level 1.
The course aims to develop communication in BSL about real life, routine, and daily experiences. Students will be able to hold a routine conversation with a BSL user, and should have enough understanding of BSL grammar to cope with some non-routine communication too. The Level 2 qualification is divided into three units:
You will be assessed on your understanding of a pre-recorded story, presented on a DVD using BSL. You will be required to answer twelve multiple choice questions on an assessment paper.
You will demonstrate that you are able to communicate information to others. This assessment requires you to make a BSL presentation to your teacher. Signature will assess you from a video recording.
You will demonstrate that you are able to understand and exchange information. This assessment requires you to hold a BSL conversation with your teacher. Signature will assess you from a video recording.